Fallen Angel Blood Orange Gin 70cl 40.6% ABV



Fallen Angel Blood Orange Gin

The most unique blood orange flavour, in without doubt the greatest ceramic bottle in the world. 700ml of rich English gin, blended with a mixture of botanicals and blood orange to create both a bold flavour and colour. There is no gin out there quite like this! 40.6% liquid, served best with high quality tonic over ice or sipped neat from the freezer. Sweet yet rich, with a sour bite.

After countless uninspiring sales presentations about the latest spirits products, curiosity drove them to question what it was that made a successful drinks brand and if they could write the elusive formula, creating a spirit’s brand that would make people go ‘WOW’. How do you make the jump from the definition below to a product, a drink a consumer wants in their life?

In 2010 the lightning bolt finally hit – create a brand that is defined by its bottle and not just by its liquid. Not a novelty bottle, rather one that was identified by the image that it provoked. To create a vessel to carry liquid with no compromise. A vessel that will challenge on every level of design, style and function.

Why should a bottle just look like a bottle?

DEFINITION OF “BOTTLE” /ˈbɒt(ə)l/ noun 

A glass or plastic container with a narrow neck, used for storing drinks or other liquids. (“he opened the bottle of beer”) BRITISH informal. the courage or confidence needed to do something difficult or dangerous. (“I lost my bottle completely and ran”) synonyms: courage, courageousness, bravery, valour, intrepidity, boldness, nerve, confidence, daring, audacity, pluck, pluckiness, spirit, mettle, spine, backbone, steel, fibre, stout-heartedness.

For those that have never designed a bottle before, where do you start? They started at the very beginning – they had to. The looks they received were priceless when first starting the trail across Europe to find a glass manufacturer – the reception to their grand idea was pretty lukewarm…

…after hundreds of emails and dozens of failed meetings with sales people and “industry experts” all telling them that “it’s not possible”, “it would cost too much to produce”, “it will never work”, they finally stumbled into one glass factory who would consider the project.

Thrilled that they were off the ground, it was just the small task of designing, manufacturing and making it viable for mass production. Enter the designers and huge amounts of argument. Things started to change, the mantra of “no compromise” began to drive a dedication to create something that was the best it could possibly be. Not about costs and sales projections, more an obsession to prove that this could and will be done.

Design in its purest form is not design but art and after more false starts and a lot of despair they finally had the perfect design.

Once they had the perfect design, they had to turn that into the perfect bottle. Their manufacturer had the faith and the vision to push the boundaries of mass production glass fabrication and turn their designs into something real. Something like nothing else.

They believe this speaks for itself – they have created a bottle that is truly at the edge of what is physically and aesthetically possible with mass produced glass technology.

When they started this project the term ‘bottle’ to them meant the first definition in the oxford dictionary, now the same word means a lot more and far closer to what the dictionary terms the ‘British Informal’

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